Source: Olga Kri/
Wondering what vitamins you may want to consider taking as a vegetarian? You’re probably already aware that, no matter how well-rounded your vegetarian diet is, there’s a good chance it may still be lacking in some essential nutrients.
But which nutrients should you focus on supplementing? Below, find some of the top nutrients that are important to add to your diet as a vegetarian. However, it’s recommended to speak with a registered dietitian or nutritionist to determine specific nutrient recommendations based on your current diet, health status, and lifestyle.
What Vitamins Should Vegetarians Take?
Six of the most frequently suggested vitamins and mineral supplements for vegetarians to consider taking to balance their diet and help support a healthy lifestyle include:
1. Calcium
Vegetarians who don’t consume dairy regularly may not be getting enough calcium, which is essential for strong bones and helps to prevent osteoporosis.
Calcium is a supplement suitable for vegetarians as it can prevent a deficiency of this essential mineral.
2. Vitamin D
Vitamin D benefits your immune system, bone health, and muscle function. This is a vitamin that vegetarians may need to supplement because it’s most commonly found in animal products. Taking a Vitamin D supplement could help you meet the recommended daily intake.

3. Iron
Iron helps the body with energy, transporting oxygen throughout the body, and more. On top of that, it is another mineral that’s often lacking in vegetarian diets. In fact, the recommended iron intake for a vegetarian is up to 1.8 times the amount recommended for meat-eaters. This is because when you’re following a vegetarian diet, you’re taking in a type of iron your body doesn’t absorb as easily as the iron found in animal products.
Taking an iron supplement can help you get the amount of iron that’s missing in your diet.
4. B Vitamins
The B vitamins are a group of compounds that have different roles within the body. They provide many benefits, including supporting your immune system, energy levels, and blood health. However, many vegetarians don’t take in enough B vitamins since many sources are animal-based.
The best way to supplement and maintain levels of all B vitamins is by taking a B-Complex.
5. Omega 3s
Omega-3s help with heart health and brain health. If you’re not eating seafood regularly, you may also want to consider an Omega-3 supplement that contains DHA and EPA since your body makes better use of them than ALA omega-3s, which come from plants.
6. Multivitamin
A good multivitamin is highly recommended for everyone to take, including vegetarians. Taking a multivitamin is an easy way to get additional essential nutrients you may not be getting enough of in your diet.
Shop Country Life Vitamins online for all the vitamins you need to supplement your vegetarian diet and support a healthy lifestyle. You’ll find that many of our products have an AVA (American Vegetarian Association) and/or vegan certification. Those statements can be found on the label of the individual product.
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