Our Purpose
Everyone has individual needs based on their body’s chemistry and personal goals. We make it a priority to offer a wide range of supplementation in the purest and cleanest forms possible, with your dietary requirements and belief systems always in mind.

Gluten-Free Certification
We were the first supplement brand in the US to be certified as gluten-free by the Gluten-Free Certification Organization (GFCO), and, today, our entire manufacturing facility is also GFCO certified gluten-free. All our products are GFCO gluten-free, meaning they contain no more than 10 parts per million (ppm) of gluten, which is currently half of the 20 ppm standard the FDA requires.

B-CORP Certification
We are B-CORP certified, which means we meet rigorous standards of environmental performance, accountability and transparency—and our operations and business model positively impact our workers, community and customers. Good business, to us, means building a better and healthier world. As part of our commitment to giving we make donations equal to 20% of our company profits to charities and non-profit organizations.

USDA Organic Manufacturer Certification
We received certification as an organic manufacturer by Quality Assurance International (QAI), a USDA-accredited certifying agency (ACA), approved to provide organic certification in accordance with the US Department of Agriculture. Look for the USDA seal throughout our product line for all things organic.

Certified Vegan and Vegetarian
Your diet and daily wellness routine should not be disrupted by your supplements. Eighty percent of our products are vegan or vegetarian; each is certified by the American Vegetarian Association and labeled “YES Vegan” or “YES Vegetarian” on our bottles.

Good Manufacturing Practices Certifications

Sustainable Practices
We focus on efficient design and operations to offset our electricity use and reduce carbon emissions. Our packaging is made from 100% recycled paperboard, and our promotional materials from 100% recycled paper. Our total reliance on renewable energy provides financial assistance to wind farms and helps to grow domestic green power production.

Certified Kosher
We’re proud to say that the 10 million Americans who follow kosher dietary guidelines can enjoy our products. We are certified by the KOF-K Kosher Symbol, which is an internationally recognized kosher supervisory network, or the “K" symbol on products certified kosher by an independent Rabbi.

Certified Halal
In our continued quest to support our customers’ commitment to health and wellness, as well as support the guiding principles for different dietary and lifestyle choices, we have begun working with IFANCA to better serve the Halal community. We look forward to certifying our products to a new set of important standards.