
We all are aware of the importance of good nutrition and how it relates to good health. This is such an important concept that March has been given the designation of “Nutrition Month” (and also Women’s Health Month). There is much talk about good nutrition and what to eat, what not to eat, this is bad for you or this is good for you, but with so many differences of opinions, how do you navigate all this information?

Whenever we talk about “good health” the two key topics are without fail very important – diet and exercise. Nothing that we don’t already know – but usually it becomes a guessing game as to what you should REALLY do. There are so many books, articles, social media posts, family and friend recommendations, etc., etc. – it can get downright confusing! So let’s examine some basics that can assist you in your journey to good health through good nutrition.

Diet – this is where the bulk of your nutritional needs should come from. But let’s be real – we know most of us could do better in this area, and many of us need supplements to fill the gaps we have in our daily nutritional needs. And that’s OK. It’s recognizing what we are (or aren’t) doing, where we should make adjustments or changes, and then executing those improvements.

A healthy diet consists of macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). Macronutrients provide calories and e need in larger quantities while micronutrients we need small quantities and do not provide calories. Technically water is a macronutrient, because we need to larger quantities to be healthy, but water does not provide calories. But what do we do when we know we aren’t getting all we need from our diet? Or maybe we are addressing a specific deficiency or need? We turn to supplements.

There are many choices available today, so which ones you select is up to you – just make sure to do your research and read labels. You should know what you are putting in your body. A good multi (like Core Daily 1), a B-complex (like Country Life Coenzyme B Complex), Vitamin D3, Omega-3’s, digestive support are all things we consider. But what about some specific needs you may not have considered? Are you spending more time on your electronic devices – zoom calls, budgets, emails, etc. Have you considered your eyes might need additional nutrient support?

Eye strain and eye damage can be caused by too much screen time. Just like any muscle, eye muscles get worn out from over work.

Many nutrients support the eyes, vitamin C, Vitamin D, Omega 3’s, zinc, etc. But probably the most important nutrients would lutein and zeaxanthin. These are powerful antioxidants found in dark green leafy vegetables. There are also supplements containing these nutrients – but remember not all supplements are created equal. A good option would be Country Life’s Lutein 20 mg. supplement. Derived from the Aztec marigold, this lutein-zeaxanthin ingredient has research that shows it minimizes eye strain from prolonged use of e-devices as well as supports shielding the eyes from blue-light.

Give your eyes some love and support with Country Life’s Lutein supplement.

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